IT in Healthcare - In the Face of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Date: November 4, 2020

Time: 02:00PM - 03:00PM

You must be registered to participate!


This presentation will explore the significant challenges and opportunities that Ophthalmology Practices both large and small have faced since February 2020. We will review what we learned going forward. How has the hardware & software industry reacted to our needs and what did we find that was both successful and not successful? 


Participants will be able to identify the top 3 challenges facing IT that started in January 2020. These challenges are not related to Covit-19 or the pandemic. Participants will be able to identify the top 3 challenges facing IT moving forward from today in 2021 Participants will be able to identify the impact of supporting work at home has had on key employees. Participants will be able to identify the top 3 IT Systems needed to support patients in a remote environment. At the end of the presentation the participants will be able to create a list of priorities for IT moving forward.
